Emily, the early blogs pt 2

She is not one to hide how she feels.

One of Emily's new games is to play baseball with daddy. Emily loves holding her bat and having daddy pitch the ball to her. Daddy has been proving what a good pitcher he is by throwing the ball directly at her bat so she gets a hit almost everytime. We will worry about the real world and she won't always get a hit, blah, blah later. Trust me, her celebration dance is worth it. "I scored! I scored!"

In July, we were very lucky and it worked out that Abbie and her cute boys (except for Jim) were able to come stay with us for a few days. It was a crazy couple days with 3 kids under age 3, but it was fun. I even borrowed the minivan from my dad- that was really cool. Emily really enjoyed seeing her friends Cooper (2 1/2 ) and Sully (14 months). She was really good at sharing (mostly) and even let Cooper sleep in her room in her crib! Sharing toys was a little harder. At one point Emily was running around the house carrying a toy saying "Help me, help me he's gonna get it." Fortuantely, Emily's overreaction was too much for Cooper and he realized it wasn't worth it and moved on. At that point I adopted Sarah's strategy of if you don't want to share it, it has to be put away before friends come over.
We were able to get our acts together enough to go to Burke Lake Park and played on the playground and walked down to the water (once the kids finally woke up. They all 3 fell asleep right before we pulled into the park. ) Emily was very cute leading us on "the dangerous path" through the woods and being quiet so we didn't wake the animals up. We all had fun throwing sticks in the lake (probably scaring away all the fish from the fisherman). The kids were really cute playing together. I just thought the picture of Emily and Cooper walking in the woods was so sweet.
The most interesting thing about their visit actually started a week after Abbie and the boys had left. Emily's new favorite game is to pretend to be Sully. This is quite an in-depth game too. I have to go by "Ms. Abbie" and nana is "Cooper" and I am supposed to address her by "Sully" or she will correct me. She tells me "Ask Sully what he wants" or "Sully needs his baby toys." It actually lasted over a day and a half once! She has quite the imagination.

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