Delusions of Grandeur

The rantings and ravings of a modern man trapped in a crazy world

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

24 This Week: 4/4/06

Okay, so for some time now I've been recording the episodes to DVD for a friend so he can catch up and watch the show since he has two kids and is usually busy on Mondays. Well, after this week's ep, I'm glad I do it, 'cause I might ask for 'em all back! Is it just me or is everyone baffled at the turn of events in the last minute of the show!? I mean, they did what "24" does: keep us guessing, throwing us curveballs and cliffhanger endings. But I must say, this one left me feeling...confused? Bamboozled? Hoodwinked? Led astray?

So you mean to tell me that all along, bumbling Prez Logan is...really evil? And not just quasi evil. He's the real deal it would appear. I have a hard time with this. It's not because of his thoroughly convincing ability to seem totally inept (which is damn good) but why this plot twist from the creators? I mean, it makes sense because the VP is so obviously slimey, the villain has to be the Prez cause he's the last person we suspect. But I'm confused about all the events we've witnessed so far and how involved Logan is. Cummings never knew Logan was the head enchilada orchestrating everything? I mean, there are a lot of bad guys between them and the only one who really seems to know the Prez is involved is Henderson, but I hope they pull out a big ole roadmap of the show so far this season and explain everything. I normally like subtle hints in my shows, but they're going to have to hit me with a sledgehammer to make me understand how releasing of nerve gas by the Russians, an attempted assasination of the Russian president, Palmer being killed (moment of silence) were all orchestrated in some way by Barney Fife Logan. And why? To get to martial law? Some other agenda we don't know yet? Well, the episode itself wasn't all that riveting, but that ending makes things VERY interesting.

What have we learned this week:

-- that at least two characters read my blog! Aaron and Wayne promptly expouse the Bruce Philosophy of Bad Guys to the First Lady's aide when she stupidly thinks they're going to give her her daughter back and let her walk once she hands over the evidence. The quote of the week is when Aaron, I think, says, people like that just don't do those sorts of things; she knows too much. Ah, at least someone listens...

-- that since we've been without Logan for a couple of episodes, the part of creep-idiot-annoying-dick has been nicely played by Miles, the right hand of the director of Homeland Security. If anyone looks like they have a stick up their butt and you would love Jack to ram it just a little bit more to put this dude out of his misery, it's this joker. He's got all of Chloe's bad personality ticks (bad people skills, attitude), but none of her charm. I hope Bill Buchanon takes a good swing for the fences on him. Speaking of which, I know things are hectic, but Audrey can't pull Bill aside for two minutes and explain why she signed the order to run him under the bus? I mean, come on. Now he thinks she's a beeyatch and is petty cause he had her tortured...which, if you look at it, that's a pretty darn good excuse, no?

--That when Miles first comes to Audrey and presents the paper, the response she REALLY wanted to give him as she left (and this was a great acting moment by Kim Raver): "If I didn't have shite shoved down my veins by Torture Boy 5 minutes ago and my man almost die in a fiery blaze of toxic chemical smoke, I'd take that piece of paper and shove it where the sun don't shine!" The writers went with a restrained, but forceful, speech. I would've went another way. :)

--Smooth Move #1: when Jack simply comes up on the first guard, shoots him in the back, and swiftly looks down at his PDA. I mean, the man has killed so many people, he sees them as interrupting his PDA time with Chloe and Audrey. That Jack...say it with me, people, Jack for President.

--Smooth Move #2: belongs to, who else, but Jack again when he kills the one guard and takes time to pull out a knife, knows where to get to the wires on the walkie talkie, and distorts it enough Henderson can't tell it's him when he answers him! I mean, come on! That's genius! I would've pulled a Han Solo moment ["Uh, everything's fine here, situation normal, we're are you?"] but Jack knows what to do. I may say screw James Bond now that Daniel Craig is playing him and Jack Bauer be my new hero...

So next week, it doesn't seem like we get TOO many answers, but we definitely will be looking at Logan differently, won't we? I can't wait to see how we get out of this one by the end of the season, kids, but it looks like I might get my Presidential impeachment after all!

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but it's so good, I'll do it again!: if you haven't been doing so, check out the 24 site on Fox. They have a "Research" section that gives a brief real-life history lesson on some aspect prominent in that particular show. They've had one on chemical warfare, how martial law can be enacted, all sorts of stuff. And check it out for the previous seasons, too. Educational and entertaining! No wonder "24" is, to quote Randy Jackson, A HOT ONE, DA BOMB! (that was for you, Laura C. :)


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