In the beginning...
Okay, so now for a little something out of the ordinary.
A few years ago, in a state of temporary insanity did a website --part of which was to catalog my independent film efforts and the other part to chronicle the growing life of Emily. I never did develop at all the indie film side (I've got Keith and his website for that! :) But I did get into Emily's side and was doing some things.
However, the last thing I did for it, much like this blog, was long ago, so I've decided to shelve it...for now. Someday I'll get all my internet skills in a row, but these days there's far too much going on for me to develop it into what I want it to become. But I didn't want to lose the good stuff on there, soooooo...I'm tranferring it to here. So what you'll see is 19 pages of early Emily in its glory with a blog started by Katie that I gave her space for on the website. She has since blossomed on her own and has her own blogspot universe, but here's the early days. Enjoy!

Ok, we survived preschool. Emily is now sleeping and recovering.
She woke up at 4:30 and was wide awake all morning. She was worried when I reminded her we had to get ready for school. Her response "All by myself today?" Later, she assured me she would be fine.
We got to school and she freaked out a little at the idea of kids going in first and playing with her toys, but I assured they were older kids. We found a friend outside and they walked over together :) We went in well (until someone pushed by her on the stairs and I had to carry her.) In the room she started playing but got upset when she couldn't take her shoes off (I had double-knotted them!) I calmed her down and then got ready to leave. She ran to me "Mommy I am scared!" I did not think this would end well. I calmed her down again and then a good parent who was co-oping asked if Emily would play with her and they were off. I waited for the "runners" to do 2 checks, no crying, so we were good :)
After, she was exhausted and hungry. She cried to just go home. She didn't even want lunch with Nana and Poppop. We came straight home and she begged for a nap. (Her usual naptime is 3:00).
We seem to have survived.
2007-09-11 20:35:26 GMTComments: 0 |Permanent Link
Kids say the cutest things...
Everyone who knows Emily, knows that you never know what will come out of her mouth. Well, here are a few of the recent quotes to make you smile. I hope they translate into writing and it isn't one of those "you had to be there things."
- Opening a new Happy Meal toy (an everyday occurrence)
"That is the cutest thing I have ever seen."
- When I carried her across the grass
"Mommy you are so courageous."
- Walking into Granny and Poppi's house with new pictures on the wall
"This is amazing!"
2007-08-17 21:31:10 GMTComments: 1 |Permanent Link
Visit with Ella and Jonah
In July, we were lucky enough to have an extended visit with Sarah, Ella, and Jonah (we missed you Andrew). Mommy and Sarah got to have grown-up meals without kids. Wow!!! We actually went to grown up places- Los Tios (our favorite) and the Chart House in Old Town with grown up food, drinks,..... It was really lovely. On Wednesday, Ella, Emily, and Jonah had a great time playing at our house, eating at ... McDonald's of course, and playing at Burke Lake Park. We rode the train and the carousel and then wandered the nature path until we found an amphitheater. The kids had tons of fun until the huge downpour!

Ella and her tiny friend Emily

So sweet

These girls were born to be onstage!

Ella teaching Emily a dance routine.
Emily was actually doing some of the steps at the pool a month later!

I think Jonah was wondering what these crazy girls were doing.
Overall, a great visit.

Ella and her tiny friend Emily

So sweet

These girls were born to be onstage!

Ella teaching Emily a dance routine.
Emily was actually doing some of the steps at the pool a month later!

I think Jonah was wondering what these crazy girls were doing.
Overall, a great visit.
2007-08-09 02:51:22 GMTComments: 0 |Permanent Link
Funny face

She loves it when you say "pose for the camera."
2007-08-06 02:04:35 GMTComments: 0 |Permanent Link

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