Early Emily blogs, pt 4
Well, it had to happen. Emily actually got really sick and scared me half to death! She is fine now and it really turned out to be just a super-charged cold, but the child does have a flair for the dramatic (as anyone who has ever met her already knows).
On Wednesday, Emily woke up not feeling well and was lethargic and listless. Even with Tylenol all day, her temperature went up to103.2. That is too high for my baby! We called the on-call doctor for the first time ever. Very stressful. The doctor said not to worry and we waited until morning to have her checked out. We went to the doctor Thursday morning (we arrived at 6:00 am and we were not the first ones there) where Emily had a fever, but was playing and laughing...until the doctor came in. Then Emily began screaming and crying so hard she eventually made herself sick. When the doctor asked how she was feeling, her response was "I not talk about it". Turns out it was a respiratory virus, nothing to do but rest, tylenol, and fluids. Eventually, it turned out to be a bad cold with a fever. She was pretty pitiful with her eyes and nose running "My eyes mommy, my nose" Eventually, it just became "Nosey" and a point to her face. She can wipe her own nose usually, just ask Grannie who runs out of tissues whenever Emily is over, but I indulged her since she was so pitiful. After a couple days of laying around the house, watching lots of Dora, she is pretty much recovered. I knew she was feeling better when she wanted to call Poppi and left him a message of "Poppi I feel better." I bet he still hasn't erased that message!The funny thing now is that she has a raspy voice that is sooo cute. She could pretty much get anything she wanted right now (probably can anyway) with that cute voice. The sad part of all this that Nana, Pop pop, and I all caught her cold and suffered greatly this weekend. As Pop pop so eloquently put it "How can anyone so smll and cute spread so much misery around?"
Since everyone is getting healthy now, we will hopefully have lots of fun stuff to report about soon.
2007-05-07 01:39:49 GMTComments: 1 |Permanent Link
Hello! This is my first time "blogging" so please bear with me. I guess this is what I get for complaining that Bruce didn't update Emily's site often enough. I am starting out simple, but trust me it will get more interesting.
Over Spring Break, Emily and I planted Marigold, lavender, and lima bean seeds (though Emily was expecting instruments to grow after watching Little Einsteins). Emily would not touch the dirt, but she did drop the seeds in (from a distance) and water them. Emily was very excited about her seeds and we kept checking throughout the day for progress. I guess her sense of time is a little off still. Our seeds started out well, with marigold sprouts by the end of the week. That was the end of the progress unfortuantely because then we had our huge windstorm with really cold temperatures for a week . Our seeds suffered, but we have started the revival process this weekend. Emily still likes to check them out everytime we return home from somewhere, which in our world is very often. She is very cute, bending down and talking to them. I am not sure what she says, but I bet it will work. To help Emily out while they grow, we did buy full-grown marigolds for the garden. She helped plant them by digging in the dirt with a (clean) shovel while kneeling on a kneepad. No dirt for this girl!

Welcome! This is Bruce speaking, and while I may have set this up, and you may hear occassionally from me on this blog, have no doubt that this is KT's Korner, whole domain where Emily's mommy can have her say about anything she wants. But those of us that know her have no doubt that it will mostly be about Emily :) So without further adieu, I'll let the lady of the house have her say....
2007-04-17 02:54:39 GMTComments: 1 |Permanent Link
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