Early Emily blogs, pt 3

I just wanted to wish all of the fathers out there a Happy Father's Day, especially Emily's daddy. Emily's current favorite things to do with daddy are to play baseball and sneak up on him and tickle his ear.
I am staying home all summer with Emily and it should be lots of fun (hopefully I won't spend too much money.) We have already gone to the zoo on the hottest day ever (if you ask her what her favorite animal was at the zoo, she will say the giraffe, cute except there was no giraffe to see.) We have big plans for Sesame Place, the watermine, and vists with her friends Ella, Jonah, Cooper, and Sully. Also, mommy and daddy went to Jimmy's wedding (it was very nice) and Emily had her first 2 night sleepover with Granny and Poppi. They all survived!
Also, on the growing list of cute sayings- I asked Emily to help me remember to get diapers and her response was "Everybody needs help mommy. It's okay." Awwwww!

Things with Emily are crazy as ever. We will be going to the Preschool Fun Day at Emily's preschool this week. I can't believe she is old enough for preschool. It is going sooo fast! Emily is now in 3 Gymboree classes (I can't bring myself to cancel any of them.) On Saturdays, she goes to music with Ms. Christina and enjoys playing the triangle and xylophone. This is the class we will probably drop for the summer. The timing is really difficult and she is not as engaged in the activities. She also attends art with Ms. Karen on Mondays. She really enjoys this class and is making baby steps towards getting messy. The coolest part of this class was when Emily learned to do a relay race. Ms. Karen gave each child a crayon. Whne the music started they had to run up to their paper and color. When the music stopped, the kids ran back and got a new color, and this kept going for 5-6 colors. I was so excited that Emily figured this out on the first try! I sat back and just encouraged her, but she did it all by herself. She even began watching Ms. Karen to anticipate the music changes. On Thursdays, Emily goes to a combo play and music class. This is the class with most of our friends. We have been with these kids for at least 5-6 months (some for almost a year). We are going to try summer playdates with Leanna. Should be interesting! We have gone to several very cool birthday parties with these friends.
This summer should be busy. Mommy is staying home and not working (1st time since 9th grade). Emily and I have big plans to go to the pool, the playground, go to the zoo, go for long walks, and get potty trained!! We will also have a fun visit with Sarah, Ella, and Jonah when they come up in July, a trip to the beach, a rocking party for Sully's birthday in June, and a trip to Sesame Place on July 1. Should be exciting :)
Emily's favorite thing to do now is sing a long to her Cds and Tv shows. It is very cute because she really does know the words, especially her new Wonder Pet cd we listen to in the car everyday. This girl just continues to amaze and surprise us with the stuff that comes out of her mouth. I thought I would post some of the funny, crazy quotes we have gotten lately from Emily.
- Going into McDonald's "Nana, I have my moments." Isn't that the truth? (A direct quote from everyone's favorite Wonder Pet- Ming Ming.)
- At the DC Divas football game, Emily wanted to dance with daddy. Daddy was actually trying to watch the game so Emily tried to convince him "Daddy, don't be shy. It's okay."
- Emily and I were singing songs at bedtime and she wanted to sing a duck song. I was not sure what song she was talking about so I asked her to sing a little. Her response "Mommy, I'm just a little baby, I can't do it myself."
- In art class, when Ms. Karen asks for the magic word to open the treasure box, Emily always responds with "Abre." Please forgive my spelling, I do not know how to spell the spanish word for open.
- While playing "babies" Emily was pretending to be a baby and crying in her daddy's arms. Then she said the baby needs to go in her stroller. I told her we didn't have a stroller inside, it was out in the car. Her response "Mommy, we can just pretend, okay." Made me feel silly.
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