Delusions of Grandeur

The rantings and ravings of a modern man trapped in a crazy world

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

24 This Week: 2/20/06

Okay, kids, so what have we learned from this week's 24:

-When Jack Bauer tells you to do something, you do it or you die. I mean, come on, Nathanson! Jack says he's got your back, he's got your back! I mean, it's just Jack vs. a helicopter! Sit there, watch him take it out, give him the info. But no, we want to help shoot it down. And now you're dead. Idiot!

-This season, if not just this single episode, should be shown in every civics and government class in every high school and college in America. Why? It illustrates how incredibly CRUCIAL it is to pick a good Vice President. President Logan is a tool, let's face it. Now, I don't know about you, but I'll admit, in past elections, I'm like most people: I don't give the Vice Presidential candidate much of a glance. I listen, I take in at least who he is and his background. But I don't really pay that much attention to what kind of leader he seems to be. Yes, I know this is just a TV show, but you'd better believe after seeing 24, I'm going to totally pay attention to the Veep in every election from now until the day I die. This dude could be in office someday! I have my problems with the current administration, but at least I know when the chips are down, Cheney could take over for Dubya and probably do the job better...although we'll probably invade a few countries, no one would see Cheney except once a year, and mysteriously major corporations would be making money, not losing it. But I know he's a decent leader! We just need to put a microwave next to him to take him out if he gets out of line...or wave a cheeseburger.

I mean, are they trying to make us hate Logan, 'cause they're certainly not making him a sympathetic character, just pathetic. I'll say it in every blog/email I do of this show: This dude better be dead when this is all over, I don't care if they make Mike Novick president in his place. The man gets a phone call directly from the terrorist and what is his response?! "I don't want to talk to him, isn't there someone else?" Dude, this isn't Johnny telling you he has a reason he was kissing Susie under the bleachers at the school dance! Logan might as well have been up in his room, head in a pillow crying, with fuzzy slippers on and a pint of Breyers. This is the man who has 19 canisters of nerve gas ready to use and you can't handle a negotiation? And why didn't they include CTU in on any of this once they hung up? If you're looking for someone to help you figure out what to do, um, wouldn't you call the guys whose job it is to actually deal with terrorists? Just a thought.

-Lynn is losing it, big time. The teaser shows that a coup de tat is imminent next week...either that or everyone's figured out they're working for a hobbit and they want to cash in with the National Inquirer. Lynn's got to know, anyone who let's his ass get kicked by a junkie pimp and his sister can't hold a position of authority. "Give me my card back"...."Audrey, you do not want to make an enemy of me, I promise you"....come on, man. You're Rudy! Get some pads on and get out on the field. Oh, and he should know things don't ever go well for a head of CTU. He should've just let Bill stay in charge, stayed in the background, and he wouldn't be having these problems. I mean, every head of CTU=problems. Tony Almeida-- blown all to hell, loses his wife. The lady last year -- crazy daughter who commits suicide under your watch. And Jack when he was head of CTU -- we all know that story. The moral of the story: don't be head of CTU. No good can come from it.

--Nice to see the guy from the movie "Warlock," Julian Sands, getting work. Missed seeing him.

--So how many people think that Martha got in the limo with the Soviet President out of guilt or to force her husband's hand to actually be a President? The way they set it up, it looked like guilt to me, but doing what she did may just avert World War 3 (sorry for the hyperbole, the show's rubbing off on me)

--and where's Kim like we were promised?! I want to see what kind of trouble she can get into in which Jack will somehow need to sacrifice himself.

And the winner of the Needless But Satisfying Death Award of The Week:
Erwich. 'cause even if you think you're the main man, there's always another main man ready to take you out should you mouth off and/or screw up. Rest in peace, comrade.

NEXT WEEK: Mutiny at CTU! Jack pays another visit to a building in downtown LA and goes all Neo again in the lobby! And no Edgar this week, will he return!? And what is up with my man Tony! They killed off the lovely Michelle for you, so they have to justify this to me somehow in the story. Tune in folks, same bat-time, same bat-channel...


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